
General Terms of Sale


Within the scope of the present conditions, each one of the expressions mentioned hereunder will have the following meaning :

  1. The « Host » : SARL L’AVANCHER company, operating the Avancher hotel and the Avancher Lodge Residence
  2. The « Client » : natural person or legal entity residing on a financial basis at the Host’s.
  3. The « Stay » : the fact of residing on a financial basis at the Host’s
  4. The « Reservation » : the fact of allocating one or several residence units as well as the associated services for a specific period to a Client.
  5. The « Deposit » : anticipated payment of a portion of of the estimated amount of the stay at the moment of the reservation, in accordance with established practice in hotel trade. On reception of the deposit the reservation becomes definitive, when it is paid by the client before the date mentioned by the Host.
  6. The « No Show » : the fact of not honoring a reservation by not appearing at the Host’s to occupy there a residence unit at the agreed date.
  7. The « Rooms » or « Apartments » : residence units put at the disposal of the clients on a financial basis
  8. The « Associated Services » : services associated to the room or the apartment : restaurants, transports, equipment rental, ski-passes reservations, engagement of a ski instructor…


The present document named hereafter « General Conditions» aims at defining all the rights and obligations, modalities and general conditions applicable within the scope of the reservations concluded by the client, directly at the Host’s or by an intermediary agent.
These conditions apply to the exclusion of all other conditions and notably those applicable to the reservations made on the internet site.
These General Conditions are systematically communicated to all Clients prior to the conclusion of the reservation contract and will prevail, if need be, on any other version or any other contradictory document.
The Client declares he has been informed of the present General Conditions and has accepted them before the conclusion of the reservation contract.
The present document being possibly the object of subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the purchase by the Client is the one in force on the day of the conclusion of the reservation.

The validation of the reservation by the Client is worth his acceptance without any restriction or reserve of the present document. All reservations thus imply from the Client the full and unreserved acceptance of the present General Conditions.

The Client acknowledges he has the required capacity to contract and reserve a room.

The address of the Host is following: SARL L’AVANCHER – Hôtel Avancher, 554 Avenue du Prariond, 73150 VAL D’ISERE


The client must ensure he has been informed of the supplementary practical and technical informations precised for his stay which have been handed over to him by the Host when he arrived or which would have previously been addressed to him by email at the moment of the confirmation of the reservation.

3.1 – Information previous to all reservations

3.1.1 – Number of persons

As soon as the reservation at the hotel « Avancher » has been made, it will be asked to the Client the exact number of persons, their names and first names and the age of the children who will occupy the room during his stay.

As a matter of fact, the number of persons occupying the room is taken into account in the calculation of the price of the stay. Besides, each room is conceived and insured for a maximum number of persons, mentioned in the particulars. Any exceeding number will possibly be refused, or be the object of a supplement of price.

The number of persons residing in the residence « Avancher Lodge » is not taken into account in the calculation of the price of the stay. Nevertheless, it is indispensable to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum number of occupiers provided for in the particulars and agreed with the insurer, for the payment of the tourist taxes and for the general organization of the stay, (bedding, breakfasts…).

3.1.2 – Domestic animals

Domestic animals, others than guide dogs having supporting evidence duly produced, are not accepted in the accomodations commercialized by the Host. The Client acknowledges that such interdiction is present in all sale supports. If he appears with an animal, his reservation will be cancelled but will remain fully due.

3.1.3 – Persons with reduced mobility

The Host has two fitted out rooms, accessible to persons with reduced mobility. The residence « Avancher Lodge » is not considered accessible.

In order to check the adapted character of the stay and ensure its quality, the Client is invited to report to the Host, at the moment of the reservation, all handicaps. For lack of it, the Host will not possibly be held responsible in case the fitted room accessible to persons with reduced mobility would already be occupied and not available.

3.2 – Process of reservation

3.2.1 – Validation of the reservation

The Client undertakes to communicate his address (postal address, email address and mobile phone number) to enable the
Provider to send him an estimate accompanied with the present document.

  • The reservation will be considered definitive only after the fulfillment of the cumulative following conditions :
  • The unreserved validation of the present General Sale Conditions
  • The payment by the Client of the deposit required
    the sending in writing by the Host to the Client of a confirmation of the acceptance of the reservation, on which will be recapitulated the detail of the reservation.

3.2.2 – Amount of the deposit

If the reservation takes place at least 8 days before the beginning of the stay, 30% of the total amount of the reservation, apart from the tourist tax and the associated services.

If the reservation takes place at least 7 days before the beginning of the stay, if the reservation benefits from a promotional offer or if the reservation is a package, 100% of the total amount of the reservation, from the tourist tax and the associated services.


4.1 – Tariffs – Prices

Prices are to be understood in euros TTC. Bank fees others than bank cards commissions, notably fees of international transfers, are to be paid by the client.

The diffused stay prices have no contractual value and can be notified without any notice until the date of the confirmation of the reservation.

The contractual price is then the price fixed at the moment of the reservation. It is liable to be modified only within the legal and statutory limits, when it takes place between the date of reservation and the date of payment of the balance, of the variations of the applicable VAT rates.

At the hotel « Avancher », these prices are to be understood by room according to the number of occupiers, unless contrary indications.
In the residence « Avancher Lodge », these prices are to be understood by apartment, whatever the number of occupiers.

4.2 – Tourist tax

The hotel tourist tax, collected on behalf of the municipality, is not included in our prices. Its amount is 1,76 € per day and night from the age of 18, thesaid amount fixed by the local authority being liable to vary in the future, what the Client acknowledges and expressly accepts.

The appartments tourist tax, collected on behalf of the municipality, is not included in our prices. Its amount is 3,63 € per day and night from the age of 18, thesaid amount fixed by the local authority being liable to vary in the future, what the Client acknowledges and expressly accepts.

4.3 – Conditions of payment

The payment of the balance of the stay will take place 7 days before the arrival of the client.

In case of non-respect of the conditions of payment, the Host reserves the right to suspend or cancel the reservation.

Any payment that would be illegal, ineffective, incomplete or fraudulous for a reason attributable to the client shall entail the cancellation of the reservation at the expense of the client, without préjudice to any civil or penal action against him.


5.1 – Modifications of the stay for force majeure

In case of the occurrence of a case of force majeure, or for reasons of security or maintenance, the Host could be in the obligation to modifiy its stays partially or totally (partial or total closing of the site, of a common equipment etc.)
The force majeure is to be understood as any event external to Avancher Hotel & Lodge of a both unforeseeable and insuperable nature, that prevents the Host to ensure all or a part of the obligations provided for in the contract. This is so notably in case of strike, insurrection, riot, prohibitions decided by the governmental or public authorities, avalanche, epidemic, impossibility to acceed to Avancher Hotel & Lodge, when the event makes it impossible to provide all or a part of the services to the Client.
In such circumstances, the Host will inform the client in writing, notably by email, within the 24 hours following the date of occurrence of these events, the contract binding the Host and the client being then suspended in full right and without any compensation, from the date of the occurrence of the event on.
The Host will be in that case entitled to terminate in full right the sale Contract concluded with the Client and this, without the carrying out of any judicial formality nor the reimbursement of the deposit that has already been received.

5.2 – Modifications, by the Host, of essential elements of the stay

When, before the arrival of the Client, the Host finds himself obliged to bring a modification to one of the essential elements of the stay, the client can, at the latest, before his arrival if the Host has such information within this period of time :

  • either terminate his contract and obtain without penalty the immediate refund of the sums he has paid,
  • or accept the modification proposed by the Host. Any reduction of price comes in deduction of the sums possibly remaining due by the client, and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the surplus will be paid back to him before the date of his departure.

5.3 – Modifications, by the client, of essential elements of the stay

If the client wishes to modify the terms of his stay (date, services, etc), after the validation of his reservation, the Host will do his utmost to satisfy him. In case of impossibility, such change will be considered as a cancellation by the client and the cancellation fees shall be applied according to the conditions established hereunder.


It is reminded to the Client, according to the provisions provided for in article L. 121-21-8 of the Consumption Code, that the withdrawal right provided for in article L. 121-21 of thesaid Code is not applicable.

6.1 – Cancellation & No Show

Any cancellation will have to be notified to the Host by letter or email, the date of reception determining the date of cancellation. All reservations are affected to dates. Thus, any change of date is considered as a cancellation. Are also considered as a cancellation the non-coming of the Client without any notice and the breach of the rules of the host.
The date of cancellation will be the basis for the calculation of the cancellation fees according to the fees scale hereafter ;

Such cancellation being possibly motivated by a case of force majeure, the Client is advised to contract a personal cancellation insurance.

The cancellation fees are following :

  • Cancellation more than 15 days before the beginning of the stay : the deposit will be refunded
  • Cancellation between 15 days and 8 days before the beginning of the stay : the deposit remains acquired by the Host and are definitively lost for the Client.
  • Cancellation 7 days or less before the beginning of the stay or No Show : the total amount of the stay initially reserved is due by the Client on account of damages.

6.2 – Interruption of the stay

The client will not possibly claim for any compensation, damages or refund if he shortens or interrupts his stay whatever the reason might be.

The client is liable towards the Host for the balance of the price and the supplementary fees resulting from the interruption of the stay.

Article 7 – THE STAY

7.1 – Arrival and departure time

Unless contrary mention of the Host, the rooms are at the disposal of the client from 3.00 p.m. The apartments are available from 5.00 p.m.

The production of the means of payment of the deposit and of the balance are indispensable to acceed to the accomodation.

On the day of the departure, the rooms and the apartments will have to be vacated at 10.30 a.m. Any occupation after such time-slot will give rise to a supplementary invoicing corresponding to a supplementary overnight stay.

In case of arrival after 9.30 p.m. the client must inform the Host as soon as possible, at the latest 24 hours before the arrival.

7.2 – Additional costs

All additional costs (telephone, options, restaurant supplements, etc…) will have to be paid at the end of the stay at the Host ‘s.

– External guests

Avancher Hotel & Lodge is a private area, reserved to its clients. Any demand of invitation of « external » persons will have to be transmitted to the reception, that will issue, if agreed, a visit voucher.

7.4 – Internal Regulation

In order to make the life easier during your stay, an internal regulation is put up at the reception ; we thank you for reading and respecting it. The client is responsible for the troubles and nuisance caused by the persons who stay in the room. When a resident disturbs or causes nuisance to other residents or affects the entirety of the installations, his stay can be immediately terminated and without compensation, without prejudice to the claims for repair that the Host and third parties could assert against him.

It is forbidden to smoke within Avancher Hotel & Lodge.

7.5 – Inventory

The Client will have, in his interest, to control his room or his apartment on his arrival. He has to check and inform the reception of any problem, and this, within the 24 hours. For lack of it, he will be considered as having received the room in a good state without the possibility for him to establish later the evidence of the contrary.

7.6 – Damages – Guarantee

A guarantee of 600€ is asked before the handing over of the keys of the residence « Avancher Lodge ». It can be paid in cash or by bank card (Visa, Mastercard). An inventory must be made at the moment of entering the apartment : any damage or difference with the put up inventory will have to be immediately reported. Without a report from the client, the inventory will be considered as perfect.

The guarantee will be refunded or destroyed after the control of the apartment at the latest 15 days after the departure. The cost generated by possible fees due to damages, thefts or breakages will be deducted from the amount of the guarantee and the TENANT will have to complete this sum if it turns out to be unsufficient to cover the fees incurred.

The installations and equipments of the Host must be used according to their ordinary object. Any damaging of the premises or destruction of the pieces of furniture which garnish the Host’s engages in full right the responsibility of its author.

The client is personally responsible for all damages, losses or deteriorations brought to the Avancher Hotel & Lodge establishment, as well by himself as committed by the persons who stay with him or visit him.

7.7 – Room Service

The daily cleaning of the rooms of the hotel « Avancher » is included in the price of the room. However it is provided only if the room is vacated before 1.00 p.m.

The cleaning of the apartments of the tourism residence « Avancher Lodge » is provided once on Wednesdays or Thursdays, except in the kitchen including the crockery (only towels are replaced). It is included at the end of the stay, except in the kitchen including the crockery, and does not include the garbage disposal.

Daily cleaning can be ordered at the moment of the reservation at the price of 500€ a week. In that case, the cleaning takes place every day except on Mondays : it does not include the cleaning of the kitchen including the crockery, it includes the change of sheets on Wednesdays.


8.1 – Guarantee

The Host guarantees, according to the legal provisions and without supplementary payment, the Client, against any lack of conformity resulting from a default in the carrying out of the service that has been ordered.

The photos are given for information and do not constitute a contractual commitment.

8.2 – Responsibility

Every room is provided with a safe. The Client is invited to deposit his valuable objects in it.

The Host is not responsible for thefts or damages which take place in a case of force majeure, nor for the loss which results from the nature or a flaw of the thing.

The responsibilility of the Host will not possibly be engaged (i) in case of the non execution or a bad execution of a service provided by the Host (sauna, jacuzzi or any other element of equipment) because of a technical breakdown or an obligation to interrupt the service for reasons of security or hygiene, or (ii) in case of impossibility for the Host to provide all or a part of the services because of the interruption of the electricity or water service, because of works, accidents, leaks, at the initiative of the local authority or the provider. Consequently, no discount nor refund will possibly be made by the Host.

The responsibility of the Host will not possibly be engaged in case of the non execution or a bad execution of an associated service (babysitting, ski lessons, non therapeutic comfort massages, taxi, restaurant reservation…), while the Host has intervened only as an intermediary in order to connect the provider and the Client, the latter having then freely contracted, in full knowledge of the facts, directly with the provider, without the intervention of the Host. Within the scope of the associated services, the Client will not benefit from the regulation applicable to the package tour provided for by the Tourism Code, the responsibility in full right of the Host being not possibly engaged.

If the Client asks the Host to contact a transport service (taxi, VLC) in order to organize an appointment time so that the transport provider should notably ensure the journey between the hotel and the airport, a station or any other place, the Client imperatively undertakes to make advance provisions and anticipate his schedule, considering the risks of the road traffic and/or bad weather that could generate traffic delays. The Host cannot be responsible for any delay of the transport provider and/or the impossibility to take a flight, a train or any other means of transport because of the delay by the transport provider.

The Host shall not be held responsible in case of the evolution of the structure of any nature whatsoever : establishment transfer, closing of establishment… The pictures produced on the internet site are not contractual. Even if the best efforts are made so that the photos, the graphic representations and the texts reproduced to illustrate Avancher Hotel & Lodge, should give a general survey as accurate as possible of the proposed accomodation services, some variations can take place, notably because of the change of furniture and possible renovations.

8.3 – Claims and litigations

The claims relative to the non execution or the bad execution of hotel services must immediately be brought to the knowledge of the Director of the Host and written down on a specific document put at disposal so that the Host should. be able to attempt to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

For lack of having informed the Director, at the latest within the three days following the date of departure from the hotel, the stay will be considered as having correctly taken place, and no claim will possibly be formulated any longer subsequently.
The Host will not possibly be considered responsible nor defaulting for any delay or non execution consecutive to the occurrence of a case of force majeure usually recognized by the French jurisdiction.


Without any answer within 40 days, the client is informed that in any case, he can resort to a conventional mediation at the « Médiateur du Tourisme et Voyage », whose details and modalities of submission to the Court are available on his site :

8.4 – Applicable Law

The present general conditions and the operations resulting from them are governed by and submitted to the French law.
They are drawn up in French. In case they should be translated into one or several foreign language(s), only the French text would serve as proof in case of litigation.

8.5 – Related services

Within the scope of the purchase of related services through our intermediary, the general conditions of sale of the external provider apply and replace those of the hotelier.

It is agreed that the general conditions of sale of the external providers are available on the request of the client, they are not automatically delivered at the moment of the reservation.


The Client acknowledges he has been informed, prior to the reservation, in a legible and understandable way, of the present document and of all informations stipulated in articles L. 111-1 to L. 111-7 of the Consumption Code, and notably the essential characteristics of the services, the price, the informations relative to the identity of the Provider, his details, the possibility to resort to a conventional mediation in case of litigation.

The fact for the Client to reserve a room carries off a full and entire support and acceptance of the present document, which is expressly acknowledged by the Client, who notably gives up boasting about any contradictory document, which would not be opposable to the Host.

Article 10 – PERSONAL DATA

In pursuance of the act n°2018-493 of June 20th 2018 relative to the protection of personal data and of the General Regulation on the protection of data n° 2016/679 (RGPD), the Client is informed that the information provided at the moment of the reservation have been the object of an electronic data processing for the purpose of reservations and Clients management, of the needs for invoicing and payment, as well as for the purpose of commercial protection.

The Client is also informed that Avancher Hotel & Lodge has, for the purpose of the security of persons and property, a video surveillance system within the common parts of the building.

The Client has a right of access, rectification, portability and suppression of the personal data concerning him, that he may exercise with the services of the Host by writing to the email address

The Client can obtain informations on the method of the processing of his personal data by the Host by consulting the Private Life Policy or by addressing a demand at the email address or at the address of our registered office : SARL L’AVANCHER – Hôtel Avancher
– 554 Avenue du Prariond – 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE (France)